
fix setWorkstation.m

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Updates and improvements to setWorkstation.m

Long term - should this be incorporated with the cfg file???

THis needs to be added to the .gitignore? Because if someone updates it... or re-clones, etc.

  • Set up figure numbers based on glider number (What about times when glider numbers are consecutive?)

  • set up figure positions based on existing monitor set up

  • build in ability to toggle positioning on and off

  • Set up "piloting output" folder better

  • write documentation for how the folder structure should be set up

some of this has been incorporated into agate_config.cnf file and setCONFIG function

Can add remaining parts on fig location, etc to cnf file.

Added in CONFIG.plots.positions where you can specify positions for all figures. Right now must be manually updated but eventually could build in tool to save them and import.

See SG639's download script for example of this.