
parse error: invalid port number with Postgres on Python 0.3.1

danielgafni opened this issue · 1 comments

What language are you using?


What version are you using?


What database are you using?


What dataframe are you using?


Can you describe your bug?

Any query fails with

File /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/polars/io/database.py:737, in _read_sql_connectorx(query, connection_uri, partition_on, partition_range, partition_num, protocol, schema_overrides)
    734 except BaseException as err:
    735     # basic sanitisation of /user:pass/ credentials exposed in connectorx errs
    736     errmsg = re.sub("://[^:]+:[^:]+@", "://***:***@", str(err))
--> 737     raise type(err)(errmsg) from err
    739 return from_arrow(tbl, schema_overrides=schema_overrides)

RuntimeError: parse error: invalid port number

while the connection string is actually correct. Here is the actual string (with the password masked):


it works with sqlalchemy.

What are the steps to reproduce the behavior?

If possible, please include a minimal simple example including:

Database setup if the error only happens on specific data or data type

Any setup, the error happens before doing the query

Example query / code

Any query

What is the error?

RuntimeError: parse error: invalid port number

actually seems like an issue with polars