
Half pedaling

peastman opened this issue · 3 comments

I added support for half pedaling. See the attached file. It's adapted from https://vi-control.net/community/threads/sfz-half-pedaling.116007/#post-4943326.

In addition to allowing for more realistic pedal technique, it fixes a common problem when using continuous pedals. When you release the pedal, sometimes it won't quite go to zero. It will be left outputting a very small but nonzero value. The current version interprets any nonzero value of cc64 as the pedal being down, leading to it sometimes getting stuck. This solves that problem by interpreting anything less than 32 as the pedal being fully up.

Splendid Grand Piano Pedal.sfz.txt

Hi Peter,

Sorry, I just noticed this. I'll merge it into the main file.
Thank you for your update!

I've actually been making a lot of improvements to it. I've incorporated my improved version into the latest release of Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra. You're welcome to any of the changes you want: https://github.com/peastman/sso/tree/master/Sonatina%20Symphonic%20Orchestra/Grand%20Piano. I have one more change I want to try making, which I plan to do this week, so you might want to wait a few more days.

I merged the final change.