
Some typing issues

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When trying to compile the equivalent of cad.js in typescript I get this error:

error TS2339: Property 'shell' does not exist on type 'Shell | Solid | CompSolid | Compound | Vertex | Edge | Wire | Face'.
  Property 'shell' does not exist on type 'Vertex'.

Similarly, when trying to compile

  const OC = await opencascade({
    locateFile: () => opencascadeWasm,

there's an error

error TS2554: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.

(and indeed the .d.ts shows declare function init(): Promise<OpenCascadeInstance>;)

What is the context of the first one?

For the second one I looked into it at some point - if I remember well, it comes from the upstream project

I just tried to compile this in Typescript:

and that was the error shown