
Cannot fillet bezier curve?

lf94 opened this issue · 6 comments

lf94 commented

Try this:

const main = ({ draw, Plane }, {}) => {

  const svg = draw()
    .movePointerTo([-179.49317, 229.08022]) // MoveRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([-134.57393, 223.51058], [-164.41155, 229.50992], [-153.52899, 220.8208]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([-97.78017299999999, 236.07604], [-121.74239999999999, 225.33141], [-110.70716999999999, 235.15067]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([-56.19808599999999, 221.49432000000002], [-73.17078899999998, 237.8377], [-70.662489, 224.04875]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([-28.07106799999999, 221.87134], [-46.44357099999999, 219.77167000000003], [-37.54805499999999, 224.75315]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([0.8247687900000109, 203.31125], [-17.672257999999992, 218.70922000000002], [-6.269769299999989, 208.28335]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([23.788634000000012, 202.07363], [7.102314400000011, 198.91173], [16.31533800000001, 203.78046]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([51.22988700000001, 190.62543], [33.45101300000001, 199.86683000000002], [41.609496000000014, 193.00862]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([70.26589700000001, 188.89925], [57.414324000000015, 189.0934], [64.34909900000001, 191.2627]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([82.85932400000002, 178.92971], [75.23789300000001, 186.9132], [78.37061700000001, 181.84804]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([97.09665800000002, 171.45717], [87.35285100000002, 176.00825], [92.87883400000001, 174.76424]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([108.93390000000002, 158.07532999999998], [101.78319000000002, 167.78260999999998], [105.43517000000001, 162.89454999999998]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([128.25199000000003, 125.23221999999998], [116.39573000000003, 147.79726], [121.14360000000002, 135.75781999999998]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([179.11347000000004, 59.19189199999998], [143.80255000000002, 102.20605999999998], [164.58317000000005, 82.87509699999998]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([218.00120000000004, -22.48978700000002], [194.88322000000002, 33.48848599999998], [202.89865000000003, 3.6112338999999807]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([257.88845000000003, -80.20100400000001], [229.71278000000004, -42.730361000000016], [246.64462000000003, -59.69690100000002]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([285.85872000000006, -146.64979], [269.44347000000005, -101.27260000000001], [274.36004, -125.54739000000001]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([343.9925600000001, -231.72992], [302.2934900000001, -176.81095], [325.30259000000007, -202.91183999999998]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([387.84852000000006, -303.0538], [359.1790200000001, -255.14593], [387.84852000000006, -303.0538]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([392.2010200000001, -440.01369], [421.50979000000007, -357.79784], [412.96081000000004, -413.28978]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([273.8188800000001, -466.22706], [370.8666700000001, -467.47723], [321.77868000000007, -475.70766]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([213.27782000000008, -427.05046], [249.6697200000001, -461.4533], [218.4492400000001, -433.61814]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([174.68746000000007, -381.45858999999996], [205.49015000000009, -417.16015999999996], [188.66695000000007, -392.50471]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([122.99144, -333.90123], [159.50738, -369.46381], [131.7499, -343.83309]) // CubicBezierAbsolute
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([23.493637, -223.27303], [117.98028, -328.2187], [55.033721, -261.54896]) // CubicBezierAbsolute
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([-131.41307, -17.782939], [-31.055971, -157.07356], [-84.540748, -89.623142]) // CubicBezierAbsolute
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([-164.43605, 55.392448], [-145.07156, 3.1511358000000023], [-152.08484, 33.596646]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([-198.55822, 102.18889], [-174.72982, 73.557539], [-190.75036, 82.875399]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([-219.37006, 181.01762], [-208.74403, 127.38445], [-219.39909, 163.39419]) // CubicBezierRelative
    .cubicBezierCurveTo([-179.49317, 229.08022], [-219.33406, 202.87072], [-202.43656, 228.42652999999999]) // CubicBezierRelative
  .sketchOnPlane(new Plane('XY'));

  const footBase = svg
    .fillet(1, e => e.inDirection('Z'));

  const foot = footBase;
  return [foot];

It'll fail no matter what you try it seems...

I have played a bit, and failed to fillet it - it feels like the OC kernel does not like your shape here...

lf94 commented

What gets me is it's essentially just one big curve 😅 I don't see why it wouldn't like it...! Thanks for trying

lf94 commented

So just to confirm, using RepliCAD (or any OC based tool) for this then is a dead end right?

It depends also on your model - this is not because it is a bezier spline, but because the angles your shape do are kinda incompatible with the fillet you request (with the algorithm OC uses).

For instance

const main = ({ draw, drawRoundedRectangle }) => {
  return draw()
    .halfEllipse(0, 20, 5)
    .smoothSpline(25, -3)
    .smoothSpline(20, 8)
    .smoothSpline(-20, -30, -90)
    .fillet(0.5, (e) => e.inPlane("XY"));

will return a filleted shape. But if you change the fillet to 1, it will kernel error.

I would be interested to see if you can achieve filleting the same shape with cadquery (it might be fairly easy to port your code).

I tried to fillet your shape in Moi3D, but this program also has difficulty creating a fillet. I selected the complete top edge, but the marked part failed to fillet. On the other parts, the fillet is not complete either, as the straight part of the surface has not been removed.


After importing the shape into FreeCad it was indeed not possible to create a fillet. Yet, OnShape has no problem creating a fillet, 1 mm or 5 mm, it all works. Note that the STEP file used in OnShape was created in Replicad. This confirms that Parasolid is one of the more robust 3D kernels available (which is reflected in its price) but also that Replicad can produce a STEP file that can be used for further processing in other CAD tools.
