
3D curves / surfaces?

lf94 opened this issue · 2 comments

lf94 commented

Any ideas how to do that in RepliCAD? One of my products (I call them products but they are not sold or anything) which I've done in curv uses smooth blending of ellipsoids to achieve these surfaces but I'm beginning to think I should properly specify them...

Example of my product:

Screenshot from 2021-10-19 17-33-12

Screenshot from 2021-10-21 16-22-09

What you think? Thanks!

I am not 100% sure on how to do it, but I can see different possible approaches.

First, as you probably have an analytic version of the shape you could generate a set of points from the equation and then use (a not yet replicad wrapped) function to generate a Bspline surface out of the points. It might be a fun, different API to provide in a more user friendly way to endusers.

You could also define different 2D slices with sketchParametricFunction and then sweep through them.

There is also an API in opencascade to constrain a surface by some points and lines - it might be exposed to end user with a nice API.

First, as you probably have an analytic version of the shape you could generate a set of points from the equation and then use (a not yet replicad wrapped) function to generate a Bspline surface out of the points.

:oooo Yes! This would work I think! Really it's just the initial body that needs it (it's two blobs) - the rest can be cut out regularly and then I can use fillets to smooth out the cuts! Actually this would open a whole range of new designs within open cascade if I added some code to be able to "merge" shapes and generate points...!