
error /lib/

Opened this issue · 1 comments

i've just spent the day trying to use this repository and included my progress in this PR ltfschoen/substrate#2 but i encountered issues that i've mentioned in that PR description, they might be related to other issues in this repo, but i'm not expert enough to identify which one, if any. it appears there are a lot of legacy issues and PRs that seem to be blocked due to lack of funding for the maintainer, which i'm sorry to see to be the case and i hope that improves.

i was tempted to try to go through and figure out how to generate the .apk myself, try incorporating feedback is issues and try the pending PRs... but that's not my skillset by a long-shot and would be at the expense of doing other open-source where i could be more useful for the community...

my objective was to use alpine:3.17 instead of ubuntu:20.04 to reduce an image size, because i've been trying to improve my docker skills and found one of the oldest issues in the substrate repository that i wanted to try to close paritytech/substrate#2464

i'd already created a solution using ubuntu:20.04 here where the image ended up being 277MB, but i was hoping to make it smaller with Alpine. then after trying to incorporate this repo i somehow managed to get it to work with alpine:3.17 here, but it doesn't pass the ldd sanity test so i had to comment that part of the code out unfortunately... but at least i made some progress.

i've left the steps i took and terminal logs in ltfschoen/substrate#2 for reference.

@ltfschoen: Would you please provide a minimal example Dockerfile which demonstrates the problem you're experiencing it. Without that I am unable to investigate this matter further.