
Earliest Possible Bat Mitzvah Date calculating at 13 years old rather than 12

Closed this issue · 2 comments

spt83 commented

Just noticed that the calculation appears to be incorrect.
Here the example i have noticed it for
Contact gender: Female
Date of birth: 19th January 2006
Hebrew date of birth: 19 Tevet 5766
Next Hebrew Birthday: January 5, 2018
Earliest Possible Bar/Bat Mitzvah Date (Starts at sunset on this date): December 26, 2018

Therefore when i Calculate the Hebrew bat mitzvah date back i get 19 Tevet 5779 so 13 years old.
Is there something i have configured incorrectly or is this field calculated as 13 years for both males and females

Earliest Bar/Bat Mitzvah dates are calculated in an egalitarian way. It calculates the date when the person turns 13 years old according to the Hebrew calendar.

This is now configurable. See description of this enhancement at: #27