
Custom Search not displaying selected field values like Mourner's Name

gzh1960 opened this issue · 12 comments

Custom Search not displaying selected field values like Mourner's Name.
V2.7 installed in CiviCRM 4.6.9.
Have setup a 'Yahrzeit observed by' relationship between mourner and deceased and set yahrzeit preference also. Tried both values but no change when Custom Search run.

Result of search is the Mourner's name,Deceased Hebrew Name, Relationship to Mourner and Mourner details (far right of screen) are not displayed.

Custom Search criteria.
If I choose 'Only include Individuals with living mourners' for a date range of 1/11/2016 to 1/12/2016 no results are returned.
If I choose 'Include any record (living...)... with same date range then I get results displayed.

Added screenshot of Custom search criteria to bottom of document.
Upcoming Yahrzeit Search Results.pdf

Can you run the SQL query "select * from civicrm_relationship_type " and share the results here?

BTW: I created a version 2.8, which I tested more with your date format, and that fixed the issue with the my scheduled job.

I see I have duplicate 'yahrzeit observed by..' types maybe issue?
I feel we are very close to having this work.

Please delete the SQL record:

Are you using that relationship type anywhere? It was not created by my extension. Did you create it by hand?

Duplicate record removed. YEs I had setup this record to record Yahrzeits info manually. Reran job and then custom search with no luck, i.e. as displayed in previous uploaded docs.

In your CiviCRM backoffice, look at the "relationships" tabs of one of your deceased contacts. Verify there is a yahrzeit relationship using the extension-created relationship for yahrzeits.

How were you tracking Hebrew dates in CiviCRM, before this extension?

tracking and calculating dates manually

I am on Skype, that might be faster to figure this out. What is your Skype name?


Installed V2.9 no issues (will try in a vanilla copy in time). Ran SQL update script to change the existing relationship type to the new one and the Custom Search now displays the missing column data.