
lcov.dat not being generated for 0.6.2+ version

Closed this issue · 11 comments

I am using ember-cli 2.3.0, not sure if that has got to do anything with the issue

upgrade to ember-cli-blanket 0.9.1 - be sure to rerun ember g ember-cli-blanket to get updated blanket.js install

when I run ember test --test-page='tests/index.html?coverage', I can't find the lcov file anywhere....

here is my blanket-options.js:

/* globals blanket, module */

var options = {
  modulePrefix: 'aeonvera',
  filter: '//.*aeonvera/.*/',
  antifilter: '//.*(tests|template).*/',
  loaderExclusions: [],
  enableCoverage: true,
  cliOptions: {
    reporters: ['json', 'lcov'],
    autostart: true,
    lcovOptions: {
      outputFile: '',
      excludeMissingFiles: true,

      // provide a function to rename es6 modules to a file path
      renamer: function(moduleName) {
        // return a falsy value to skip given module
        if (moduleName === 'unwanted') { return; }

        var expression = /^APP_NAME/;
        return moduleName.replace(expression, 'app') + '.js';
if (typeof exports === 'undefined') {
} else {
  module.exports = options;

@jschilli trying out new version

I get the file now but it has 'undefined' in it and nothing else

Seeing the same thing, the lcov file is generated but contains no information. If I switch from lcov to json I see coverage in the file.

any updates on this? :(

We fixed this in our projects - you can check for an example. I can't recall exactly what was changed, but @sandersky may remember.

thanks a lot @sglanzer

I am guessing the solution is in this:

I will take a look :)
@sandersky , would be great if you could let me know any other insight.

Appreciate your help

Might be related to #112

@jschilli This has been fixed with new version and can be closed