
0.9.1 not working in Chrome on Travis

Closed this issue · 12 comments

After updating to the latest, I am getting errors that Travis cannot find blanket. Any ideas?

@rwwagner90 hmmm. I'm going to suspect timing - I pulled the repo and ran chrome locally fine.

I'll noodle on it

@jschilli yeah chrome works locally. Travis does not throw the error that it cannot find blanket if I use phantom, but it does if I use chrome. I've been having issues with a lot of timing stuff that forced me to use chrome because phantom did not wait for the whole vendor bundle or something.

I confirmed this is an issue with ember-cli-blanket because I removed it and blanket and now my tests run without those errors. Please let me know what you need from me to help debug this.

Is this exclusive to Chrome or do you see the same for Firefox?

@sglanzer this is only in Travis. I am running Chrome on Travis to run my tests. You can see the output in the link I posted.

Right, I use Firefox in Travis - I was just wondering if this was exclusive to Chrome on Travis or more specifically an issue with our bower dependencies in Travis

@sglanzer it does appear that Firefox works in Travis .

Chrome is still messed up, just tried again:

Any ideas? I can switch to Firefox for now, so this doesn't block me from using ember-cli-blanket, but I would love for everything to work in Chrome.

I guess switch to Firefox for now - interesting that it's literally a browser issue - I use Chrome for all local testing, but Firefox for Travis (because it's installed by default). I'm afraid I don't have any leads to offer currently, but at least it's a data-point.

Yeah, not sure. Since Firefox seems to work fine, it's not that pressing for me personally. I wonder if it just has to do with blanket being a fork. I think it used to work in Chrome on previous versions.

Anyone know if this is fixed?

I haven't looked at it personally and I haven't seen any other reports, so it's unconfirmed currently if it's fixed

I'm going to close this, as just using FF is acceptable to me. Feel free to reopen if you'd like to look into getting Chrome to work