
gpx-path-issues - a bug-report for v0.2.1

buttoni2020 opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Hi folks,
I experienced some issues with latest version 0.2.1 and that's my story.

That's actually my code-snippet, where I am using PaperMap.
center_ns and center_ew are previously calculatet.
For disssusions, just use:

center_ns = 46.61927739
center_ew = 8.01718411
gpx_track = GPX("2020-07-22_Eiger/20200721-142919.gpx")
pm = PaperMap(center_ns, center_ew, tile_server="OpenStreetMap", size="A4", scale=25000, gpx=gpx_track)

With papermap-master as of sept 10th this script-snippet is working perfect.
With papermap0.2.1 as of yesterday I do receive following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Users\ryzen-tme\Desktop\Python-Karten\", line 49, in <module>

  File "C:\Users\ryzen-tme\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\papermap\", line 404, in render

  File "C:\Users\ryzen-tme\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\papermap\", line 383, in render_gpx

  File "C:\Users\ryzen-tme\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\papermap\", line 120, in render_tracks
    lines_image =

  File "C:\Users\ryzen-tme\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 2621, in new
    return im._new(core.fill(mode, size, color))


some Try and Error shown at least a hint, that this gpx-handling is causing this MemoryError. Excluding gpx=gpx_track (#2) from papermap is delivering a Map and PIL is not causing any issues.

As of now and next project-steps, I can deal with this older version, but in general I am not a fan of functionality-reduction and that's the main-reason, why I am writing these lines and hopefully support further development.

My System:
Win 10 (latest version-ish)
Spyder 4.1.5 - (Python 3.8)

Feel free to ask any question.

Thank you for reporting this bug ๐Ÿ› @buttoni2020! I will look into this and report back to you ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

After a quick review of the traceback and your system specs, it seems unlikely that you've run out of memory, but still: could you verify that:

  • You're using a 64-bit version of Python (verify via python -c "import sys;print(sys.maxsize > 2**32)"
  • You're not actually out of memory (verify via Task Manager or similar)

Could you perhaps also share your GPX-file with me (e.g. via Pastebin or GitHub Gist)? This way I can try to recreate your exact circumstances.

Hi, of course I'll check.
results as follow:


  • according to spyder: 3.8.5 64bit
  • according to anaconda prompt (with ur line): true
  • according to win-cmd (10.0.19042.630) (with ur line): false
    --> you have to judge yourself o.O


  • Taskmanager: +100MB, while have a baseline @ 9,5GB (full running system) and 31,5GB detected.

gpx-file is send to your public available email-adress.

I hope these information are helping.

I just released v0.2.2, which fixes this bug. Please update your install of PaperMap (i.e. pip install --upgrade papermap). Again, thank you for reporting this bug! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ