
Restricting the Bounds of the Bubble Map

drskigen opened this issue · 1 comments

I am attempting to limit the Bounds of the bubble map to an area surrounding the bubble points, while still drawing countries regardless of whether they have a bubble point or not. Currently, it appears the bounds are set automatically by the Map outline value.

I see there are projectionScale and projectionOffset values, but setting those seems to cause an issue with the Chart context on redrawing. Example from my code:

const bounds =

// Calculate scale factor
const scaleFactor = Math.min(
    bounds.width / (maxLng - minLng),
    bounds.height / (maxLat - minLat)

// Calculate x and y translation offsets
const xOffset = scaleFactor * bounds.refX;
const yOffset = scaleFactor * bounds.refY;

config.options.scales.projection = {
    projectionScale: scaleFactor,
    projectionOffset: [xOffset, yOffset],

// Set chart type and populate new data.
config.type = 'bubbleMap'; = countries[continent];

// Destroy old chart, necessary when switching chart type.

// Regenerate chart.
const newChart = new Chart(chartEl, config);

I am still working out the proper scaling, etc, but even with some arbitrary values like: projectionScale: 2, projectionOffset: [-50, 0],, I get the following error and the map points don't generate, even though the country features do:

Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getContext') from:

 function clearCanvas(canvas, ctx) {
      ctx = ctx || canvas.getContext('2d');;
      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

I should note that the code works fine if I don't try to change the projectionScale or projectionOffset.

Am I doing something incorrect? And / or is there a better way to limit the map boundaries?

Thank you!


  • Version: 4.1.2
  • Browser: Chrome

Apologies, please disregard. The issue appears to be that I had imported the geoEquirectangular() projection from d3 to test some custom transformations. Once I switched to the chartjs-chart-geo projection equirectangular it fixed my issue.