
Diagnosing Possible Loop Condition

Opened this issue · 6 comments

@sgupta999 I really appreciate you continuing to comment here, even though it seems you've moved on. Perhaps at some point once how I understand this I'll be able to take it over/contribute.

Anyway, I'm trying to diagnose a Possible Loop detection. The device in the log "Playroom Wiring Dimmer" was auto added to the bridge when I enabled it in the ST iOS app. So there isn't an entry for it in the devices.yml. I imagine then its falling back to what you call the "old" behavior. I'm just not entirely sure how to address this and could just use some guidance.

mbs | 2020-11-18 01:43:03 AM info: ST --> MQTT: [Playroom Wiring Closet][switch][on] [smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch][on] mbs | 2020-11-18 01:43:03 AM warn: POSSIBLE LOOP. Device[Attribute] Playroom Wiring Closet[switch] is publishing to Topic smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch while subscribed to Topic [ 'smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch' ] mbs | 2020-11-18 01:43:03 AM info: Skipping duplicate message from: smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch = on

My devices.yml file just contains a single definition. For a Virtual Device Switch in ST (that I can't get to work at all). The Playroom Wiring Closet switch appears in ST from the keypads

VDS: subscribe: switch: indigo/VDS/switch: command: 'OFF': 'off' 'ON': 'on' publish: switch: indigo/VDS/switch: retain: 'false'

Any guidance would be appreciated, by on the the loop detection and perhaps why the VDS device isn't registering at all.

You're spot on. Those three options aren't uncommented, when I did it seems to work. It seems some of the topic paths are cached in data/status.json. So I had to blow to those files away, and then restart. Now I don't have the loop warnings.

The issue is that the incoming message to the bridge (using the default set_state field) doesn't appear to be picked up by the bridge and forward over to ST. I imagine then I need something in the devices.yml to map it together properly?

I write to the topic for example (smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch/set_state on) and it doesn't seem the bridge it picking it up. I suppose I need a mapping...

Given that you have this flexibility, would say that a proper configuration would have separate topics to receive and send back to ST.

For the VDS switch. Its been added to ST as a Virtual Dimmer Switch. Then in the iOS app, I have it selected in SmartApp.

You mention above that I have to define the device capabilities, but I assumed from reading here that the Virtual Device would be built in? I'm just not super clear on what's required there.

I have the SmartApp deployed stock from the GitHub repo

Here is my current devices.yml file. With this configuration I can pass an MQTT like this:

Playroom Wiring Closet: subscribe: switch: smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch/set_state: command: 'OFF': 'off' 'ON': 'on' publish: switch: smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch/state: retain: 'false'

If I run a few commands as follows:

$ mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch/set_state" -m "off" $ mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch/set_state" -m "on"

The MBS Bridge properly gets the message and passes cleanly to ST. The device then turns on and off.

However when I toggle the device in the ST App. Nothing happens. I get no output from MBS. Prior to messing with the state_suffix stuff you mentioned above, it appeared to pass messages properly, from ST->MQTT and from MQTT->ST

So Perhaps I'm missing something in my devices.yml?

Going a bit further I've now adopted my devices.yml to this:

Playroom Wiring Closet: subscribe: switch: smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch/set_state: command: 'OFF': 'off' 'ON': 'on' publish: switch: smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch/state: command: 'OFF': 'off' 'ON': 'on' retain: 'false'

This seems now to allows ST to publish the messages BACK to MQTT. So from ST->MQTT

mbs | 2020-11-18 06:21:07 AM info: ST** --> MQTT: [Playroom Wiring Closet][switch][off] [smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch/state][off] mbs | 2020-11-18 06:21:13 AM info: ST** --> MQTT: [Playroom Wiring Closet][switch][on] [smartthings/Playroom Wiring Closet/switch/state][on]

Is there a way to see all possible states ST might send back to the bridge?

Also, please let me know how I can thank you for your help on this. You can find me on Twitter @quityourjoshing