Support for cloud storage.
jaspreetx opened this issue · 4 comments
Currently, the app only stores encrypted files locally on the user's computer. It would be useful to add support for cloud storage, such as Google Drive or Dropbox. This would allow users to access their encrypted files from anywhere.
I personally believe this is outside of the scope of's purpose. That also heavily decreases security as files would have to be piped from google to, increasing the attack surface / vulnurability.
But we can increase the use case of this amazing software. This is very good way of securing files that we upload to the cloud platforms that offer free space but very poor privacy. A solution is needed for this problem as cloud storage is expensive and free cloud storage lacks privacy . I know this will decrease security but we can improve it with time . There is need for this kind of software and if we think that it is out of scope then we limit out thinking .
at the end of the day its @sh-dv's choice whether to add this featureset or not. You could fork it 🤷
Есть приложения позволяющие синхронизировать выбранную папку на смартфоне с облаком. Шифруешь и кладёшь в эту папку, и твои файлы есть в облаке. Например приложение для андроид FolderSync