
This is iTrainer a website to find your fitness buddy

To run iTrainer on your local machine you will require the following software:-

  • Ruby 2.0.0p451
  • Rails 4.1.0
  • Postgres 9.3
  • imagemagick 6.8.8-9

Installing the app requires the following steps

  1. In the command line type in:- git clone

  2. Run bundle to install the gems required

  3. Start the postgres database

  4. rake db:setup to set the database up and add the data in the seeds file

  5. Add a file called secrets.yml into your project and add your secrect_key_base, email_username and email_password into the file for the development, test and production environments in the following format:-

  secret_key_base: lldlldldldldmjddjjdjdjd
  email_password: hello123

To generate a secret key base run rake secret

  1. rails server to start the server