
@react macro fails when using an ADT with backticks as state

taig opened this issue · 2 comments

taig commented
import slinky.core.Component
import slinky.core.annotations.react
import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement

sealed abstract class Dimension

object Dimension {
  final case object `8x24` extends Dimension

class MyComponent extends Component {
  override type Props = Unit

  case class State(d: Dimension)

  override def initialState: State = ???

  override def render(): ReactElement = ???
[error] MyComponent.scala:13:2: could not find implicit value for parameter sr: slinky.core.StateReaderProvider
[error] @react
[error]  ^

@taig thanks for the bug report! Do you see the same issue if you use the classic ComponentWrapper style? I ask because the compile error seems to be an issue with state reader/writers, not actually the @react macro.

taig commented

Yes, indeed. Sorry, I got too inspired by a similar issue here. The actual problem is the implicit materialization of the Provider, i.e. explicitly writing out the ComponentWrapper will have the same issue.