
support Option ref type in forwardRef

Opened this issue · 2 comments

evbo commented

Hi, some very reputable JS libraries rely on forwardRef being able to take an optional ref, for instance here:

So is it possible to support Option[ReactRef[_]] types?

The only way I could get this code equivalent in slinky was to hack with a null check:

val component = React.forwardRef(FunctionalComponent(
    fn = (props: RowSelectorProps, tableRef: /*TODO: needs to be Option Type*/ReactRef[js.Any]) => {
      val defaultRef = useRef[js.Any](null)

      // TODO: faking it for now...
      val resolvedRef = if (tableRef != null) tableRef else defaultRef

        () => {
          resolvedRef.current.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].indeterminate = props.indeterminate
        Seq(resolvedRef, props.indeterminate)

      println(s"checked: ${props.checked}, ind: ${props.indeterminate}, table: ${tableRef}")

          `type` := "checkbox",
          checked := props.checked,
          onChange := props.onChange,
          ref := resolvedRef,
          style :=

This is going to be a breaking change, so unfortunately we may have to wait until v0.8.0.