
Adding a key to children of an externally defined component.

jeluyapp opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm attempting to integrate into my react-native application. The definition I have created is here:

@JSImport("@react-navigation/native", "NavigationContainer")
object ReactNavigationContainer extends js.Object

@react object NavigationContainer extends ExternalComponent {
  case class Props(children: ReactElement*)
  override val component = ReactNavigationContainer

When I use the component at the top level, I get the following error for that component in the console: Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.

I'm wondering if there is a way to resolve this easily.

Ah, so instead of explicitly taking children as a parameter in the props, you can instead just pass the children as a curried paramter:


this should avoid the error by having React know that these children were constructed explicitly and not part of a list.