
Cannot increase width of Sheet for example: w-1/2 -> 50% of screen.

hamidradical opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

I searched on code of sheet component. not found anything regarding hardcoded width.
if we try to give width more w-96 not apply in SheetContent. I applied like w-1/2, w-[75%] not working.

i need more width of sheet component.

Affected component/components

Sheet, SheetConent

How to reproduce

In SheetComponent give width w-1/2 and check ui. you will find the problem.

Codesandbox/StackBlitz link

No response


No response

System Info

Chrome And Edge

Before submitting

  • I've made research efforts and searched the documentation
  • I've searched for existing issues

@hamidradical you can use min-width

What @itsajaygaur said works. setting the min-width class ensures that the width of the sheet changes. So I guess the documentation will have to be updated to suit that or you'd want a change that ensures it uses w instead of min-w @shadcn ?