
StrikePrick is your one-stop destination for exposing and overturning ineffective, outdated email marketing strategies. This repository offers a data-driven, humor-infused critique of commonly touted advice, using verified statistics to debunk myths and set the record straight. Designed for e-commerce brands and marketers.

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StrikePrick: The Death of Bad Marketing Advice

In Memoriam: Oscar's Marketing "Wisdom"

We gather here to bid farewell to Oscar's marketing "expertise," which passed away after a prolonged struggle with actual data.

Reality Checks: Oscar's Tweets vs. Data

The GIF Gaffe

  • Oscar's Suggestion: "Add gifs to your emails."
  • Reality Check: GIFs can increase the email's size and spam score. Use sparingly. (Source: Radicati Group)

Email Timing: Oscar's Magical Thinking

  • Oscar's Wisdom: "Send at optimal times: 6 AM, 10 AM, 1-2 PM, 4 PM, 6-8 PM."
  • Reality Check: Mailchimp suggests that optimal send times vary by industry. (Source: Mailchimp)

Content Ratio: Oscar's Overzealous Claims

  • Oscar's Rule: "Aim to make 80% of your content Educational, Entertaining, Informative."
  • Reality Check: Marketing Sherpa recommends a balanced content strategy. (Source: Marketing Sherpa)

User Guide: The Obituary for Traditional Email Marketing

Chapter 1: The Death of 'Batch and Blast'

Gone are the days when you could send the same email to your entire list and expect results.

Chapter 2: Saying Goodbye to Non-Segmented Lists

Like Oscar's advice, non-segmented lists are a thing of the past.

Chapter 3: The Final Nail in the Coffin for Bad CTAs

Your generic CTAs won't be missed.

Epilogue: A Toast to the Future

In the end, we're not just here to mourn the death of bad advice, but to celebrate the birth of effective, data-driven strategies.

Join us in this new era at StrikePrick.