ModIntegrations update: collected questions
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Just wanted to make a topic for questions regarding to upgrading ModIntegration files.
1.) SSTUVolumeContainer for LS resources. Are the volumes from the old patches still relevant, as I can not find references to them anymore on the original parts.
@part[SSTU-LC2-POD]:FOR[SSTU]:NEEDS[USILifeSupport] // 2-person pod
name = ModuleLifeSupport
@Volume = 330 ////////////////////////////////// THIS ONE
@defaultResources = MonoPropellant,25;ElectricCharge,300;Supplies,65,1;Mulch,65,0
resource = Supplies
resource = Mulch
@baseVolume = 330 ///////////////////////////////// THIS ONE
1.) That 'volume' spec should probably be removed from the configs, as that was the volume for the whole part; the 'volume' spec has since been moved into the CONTAINER definitions, so that you can simply patch in the specific container needed, with the volume it needs.