
[Snap][Service]Service in snap can not work, because there is no default path of config file

yangyankui opened this issue · 16 comments

there is no default path of config file,
therefore i can not use
snap start shadowsocks-rust.ssserver-daemon

debian 10,
shadowsocks-rust edge v1.11.2.r34.gf717984

You can use arguments as a temporary solution. Ref #617.

shadowsocks-rust.ssserver -s "" -m "aes-256-gcm" -k "********"

Thank you!
Now, I am using
shadowsocks-rust.ssserver -c config.json
Is there any plan to support the default path?
Hope to add the function of the default path of config file.

Is there any plan to support the default path?
Hope to add the function of the default path of config file.

Unfortunately, I don't have a build environment for snap.

If you keep this issue open, other collaborators may be able to fix it.

Ok, Thank you!

I recommend to set the default path to ~/.config/shadowsocks-rust.

shadowsocks-libev default path is /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json

Why snap's daemon couldn't start with command line arguments?

shadowsocks-libev default path is /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json

The snap default only allow application to access path under $HOME, unless the application is installed using the --classic parameter.

Same problem here. It seems snap version can't automatically read configure file via a default or designated path as in Shadowsocks-libev. Neither can it pass parameters to its daemon service when invoking systemctl. Both of these methods are not currently working in the snap store version.

It should already supported in the latest version:

pub fn get_default_config_path() -> Option<PathBuf> {
// System standard directories
if let Some(project_dirs) = ProjectDirs::from("org", "shadowsocks", "shadowsocks-rust") {
// Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shadowsocks-rust/config.json
// $HOME/.config/shadowsocks-rust/config.json
// macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/org.shadowsocks.shadowsocks-rust/config.json
// Windows: {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-rust/config/config.json
let mut config_path = project_dirs.config_dir().to_path_buf();
if config_path.exists() {
return Some(config_path);
// UNIX systems, XDG Base Directory
if let Ok(base_directories) = xdg::BaseDirectories::with_prefix("shadowsocks-rust") {
// $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shadowsocks-rust/config.json
// for dir in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS; $dir/shadowsocks-rust/config.json
if let Some(config_path) = base_directories.find_config_file("config.json") {
return Some(config_path);
// UNIX global configuration file
let global_config_path = Path::new("/etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json");
if global_config_path.exists() {
return Some(global_config_path.to_path_buf());

ref #688

The issue still exists with channels like stable and edge, but I can't see the snapcraft build logs. If edge is the latest image, then this issue may still be unresolved.

kallydev@ubuntu:~$ sudo snap install shadowsocks-rust --edge
shadowsocks-rust (edge) v1.12.2.r12.g1eff9b1 from DuckSoft installed
kallydev@ubuntu:~$ shadowsocks-rust.ssserver --version
shadowsocks 1.12.3
kallydev@ubuntu:~$ cat .config/shadowsocks-rust/config.json 
    "server": "",
    "server_port": 8388,
    "password": "password",
    "method": "aes-256-gcm"
kallydev@ubuntu:~$ shadowsocks-rust.ssserver 
missing proxy servers, consider specifying it by --server-addr, --encrypt-method, --password command line option, or configuration file, check more details in
    ssserver [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

Please try again with the global configuration path /etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json

Please try again with the global configuration path /etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json

kallydev@ubuntu:~$ sudo vim /etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json
kallydev@ubuntu:~$ shadowsocks-rust.ssserver
missing proxy servers, consider specifying it by --server-addr, --encrypt-method, --password command line option, or configuration file, check more details in
    ssserver [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

This should be because the image does not have permission to read these configuration files.

kallydev@ubuntu:~$ shadowsocks-rust.ssserver -c .config/shadowsocks-rust/config.json 
loading config ".config/shadowsocks-rust/config.json", error while reading file, Os { code: 13, kind: PermissionDenied, message: "Permission denied" }
kallydev@ubuntu:~$ shadowsocks-rust.ssserver -c /etc/
Display all 230 possibilities? (y or n)
kallydev@ubuntu:~$ shadowsocks-rust.ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json 
loading config "/etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json", error while reading file, Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }

I don't understand why snap's home permissions can't access $HOME/.config/shadowsocks-rust/config.json, but it can access $HOME/config.json.

Ref, only "non-hidden files" can be accessed.

The home interface allows access to non-hidden files owned by the user in the user’s home ($HOME) directory where a user normally stores their personal files and documents.

kallydev@ubuntu:~$ shadowsocks-rust.ssserver -c ~/config.json 
2021-11-25T17:37:52.484976149-08:00 INFO  shadowsocks server 1.12.3 build 2021-11-25T16:55:04.297088322+00:00
2021-11-25T17:37:52.486770036-08:00 INFO  shadowsocks tcp server listening on, inbound address

It's OK.
shadowsock-rust v1.12.2.r12.g1eff9b1 edge
config.json :
"address": "",
"port": 8388,
"password": "password",
"method": "chacha20-ietf-poly1305"
root@localhost:~#snap install shadowsocks-rust --edge
root@localhost:~#cp config.json /var/snap/shadowsocks-rust/common/etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json
root@localhost:~#snap start --enable shadowsocks-rust.ssserver-daemon

We can completely resolve the $HOME/.config/shadowsocks-rust permissions issue using, but this needs to be done via

So, I just reviewed qv2ray's solution, then replaced $HOME/.config/shadowsocks-rust/config.json with $HOME/snap/shadowsocks-rust/common/.config/shadowsocks-rust/config.json, which successfully bypasses the issue.

kallydev@ubuntu:~$ shadowsocks-rust.ssserver -c ./snap/shadowsocks-rust/common/.config/shadowsocks-rust/config.json 
2021-11-25T18:30:58.789058481-08:00 INFO  shadowsocks server 1.12.3 build 2021-11-25T16:55:04.297088322+00:00
2021-11-25T18:30:58.790422140-08:00 INFO  shadowsocks tcp server listening on, inbound address

Of course, I think /var/snap/shadowsocks-rust/common/etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json is also good, because fa3a2a8 makes managing profiles much easier than before.