
Could you make a tls-plugin?

ygcaicn opened this issue · 3 comments

Could you make a tls-plugin?

The plugin only wrap the shadowsocks packages in https packages

In this case, cooperate with haproxy on the server side, haproxy handles tls unpacking, and then passes it to ss-server, it should be able to obtain higher performance than v2ray-plugin.

Could you make a tls-plugin?

The plugin only wrap the shadowsocks packages in https packages

In this case, cooperate with haproxy on the server side, haproxy handles tls unpacking, and then passes it to ss-server, it should be able to obtain higher performance than v2ray-plugin.

TLS unpacking can be handled by other web services like Apache or Nginx.
On the server side, both v2ray and ss-libev can be connected to those services through websocket.
They tend to be very efficient. Not sure what exactly are you looking for.

Could you make a tls-plugin?
The plugin only wrap the shadowsocks packages in https packages
In this case, cooperate with haproxy on the server side, haproxy handles tls unpacking, and then passes it to ss-server, it should be able to obtain higher performance than v2ray-plugin.

TLS unpacking can be handled by other web services like Apache or Nginx.
On the server side, both v2ray and ss-libev can be connected to those services through websocket.
They tend to be very efficient. Not sure what exactly are you looking for.

I don't want the tls over ws over shadowsocks, I want the tls strictly over shadowsocks. On the server side, using ws, Nginx works at the HTTP layer to distribute. But what I want is to use haproxy to shunt at the tcp layer, similar to V2ray's shunt


  - name:
    tlsoffloading: true
    managedcert: true
    alpn: h2,http/1.1
    protocols: tls12,tls13
      handler: fileServer
      args: /var/www/html
      handler: proxyPass

shadowsocks server works on 40001.

But I don't have a suitable client plugin to make it work.

Oh. I see what you are trying to say......

Basically, what you want is not to use https, instead, TLS only....
That makes no sense at all.
TLS is for encryption. A TLS package by itself has very high entropy. Which can be targeted by GFW.

This whole idea is to trick GFW to consider your traffic as a normal internet browsing traffic.

What you did is merely a double layer encryption.... Since xchacha is already good enough, why bother adding another layer....

I think we can close this. You misunderstand the purpose of this project.