
3D Game Engine made from scratch

Primary LanguageJava


A 3D Gameengine made from stratch in OpenGl.

No extra libraries and tools used other than perlin noise, and Opengl(using lwjgl wrapper)


Note: I did not use version control when i developed this project, just uploading it to git so it does not get lost

Features inculde:

  • World split into diffrent optimised chunks
  • Infinite Chunk generation in all directions
  • Optimised 3D rendering of terrian voxels and chunks USING MULTIPLE THREADS
  • Simple and efficient lighting using simple normal calculations for each triangle
  • World generation using perlin noise
  • Culling to get rid of extra triangles and optimise rendering
  • Texture atlas and only ONE shader and texture loaded for all objects
  • 3D rendering of entities
  • Different Biomes including Sandy, Water, Grassland, stone, and the ablity to add as many as needed
  • Biomes also are generated with perlin noise

All Images here are directly from the game, the game is using the same textures as minecraft, but it can be run with any texxture simply by changing the /res/res/textures/grassBlock.png , this a texture atlas with all the textures

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