
An animation library designed from the ground up for a intuitive and easy to use interface. Made in python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An animation library designed from the ground up for a intuitive and easy to use interface. Made in python.


Use the package manager pip to install nanim.

pip install nanim

The dependenices are pycairo and ffmpeg, which pip should install automatically.


Firstly make an animation file, in which build your animation,

Sample animation file

s = Scene();
rect = s.add(Rectange(x=0,y=0,width=100,height=100, color=Color.RGB(255,0,0)));
rect.fadeIn().move_to(x=100, y=100).wait(3).fade_out()


To render your animation:

  • run with nanim <file-name> where file name is the file name of your animation file (for example nanim animation.py)
  • running nanim -h will give you a list of options

List of all functions callable on objects

   """Fade Out
    duration (float): duration of animation in seconds
    blocking (bool): whether this animation should stop other animations until its done
    def fade_out(duration=0.5, blocking=True):
   """Fade In
    duration (float): duration of animation in seconds
    blocking (bool): whether this animation should stop other animations until its done
    def fade_in(duration=0.5, starting_time="not_set", blocking=True):
    angle (float): the angle to rotate, either in degrees or radians set by pi mode.
    duration (float): duration of animation in seconds
    blocking (bool): whether this animation should stop other animations until its done
    around (Point): a point to rotate around, default is the center of the object
    pi_mode (bool): whetor the angle is in degrees or radians
    def rotate(angle, duration=0.5, blocking=True, around="not_set", pi_mode=False):
   """Makes object wait
    duration (float): duration of animation in seconds
    def wait(duration=0.5):
    duration (float): duration of animation in seconds
    x (int): how much to translate in the x direction
    y (int):  how much to translate in the y direction
    def translate(self, x=0, y=0, duration=0.5"):
   """Set color
    color (color): the color to turn too
    duration (float): duration of animation in seconds
    blocking (bool): whether this animation should stop other animations until its done
    def set_color(self, color, duration=0.5, blocking=True):
   """Move to 
    point (Point): the location to move to (should be a point such as Point(x=0,y=0)
    duration (float): duration of animation in seconds
    def move_to(point, duration=0.5):


Pull requests are welcome.
