Some premium podcasts not showing up
Opened this issue · 3 comments
In v1, I was subscribed to the Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast ad-free archives, but the podcast no longer comes up when searching in v2.
Is that because it's a free podcast? If so, is it possible to allow unofficialrss v2 to support premium archive feeds for free podcasts?
I came here to report the exact same issue, any fix?
This is th e Stitcher page
I never found a fix for this... other than subscribing to CBB World's premium feed, and I think all their new exclusive podcasts make it worth it.
But, to the original issue, I eventually gave up.
Okay, I figured it out, will post an explanation later, but basically copy any xml rss url from the site and replace the number of the xml in the link to: 1001534
This is basically the ID the show has on Stitcher