
write a blog post

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I will post this on Medium. I thought about posting this on LinkedIn (since Medium is partially free and LinkedIn is Unlimited),
But I will also post it on my personal website I think.

  • try to make this blogpost reflect what I learend from the project, and not specificaly what is this project about. could be a great opprotunity for me to learn and practice writing.

  • on LinkedIn?

  • about the blog post:

    • write only the interesting stuff (try to make this a 2 pager with plenty of images. focus on readability)

      explain about PMI masking shortly and post a link to the original work
      SQL can be really expressive, you can write some very non-trivial algorithms with it (explain the dynamic programming stuff)
      awareness to how to do things computationaly when you want to do new ML ideas. a good idea is worth much more if
      can be done efficiently.

    • what I have learned

      what big data really means when you need to do a custom computation on data that is very large
      why it is a good idea to use a project board like github projects
      getting to know your tools, and not being afraid to ask questions (DuckDB and figuring out what is the correct tool for the job)

Some useful links: