
Sending push notifications

Closed this issue · 2 comments

How do I send a push notification to all users, or to a specific segment?

How do I send a push notification to all users, or to a specific segment?

Here is the helper function I use to send notification to targeted devices


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Ladumor\OneSignal\OneSignal;

if (!function_exists('sendNotification')) {
    function sendNotification(array $deviceIds, string $title, string $subtitle = null, array $data = [])
        try {
            $fields['include_player_ids'] = $deviceIds;
            $fields['headings'] = array(
                'en' => $title,

            if ($subtitle) {
                $fields['contents'] = array(
                    "en" => $subtitle,

            if (!empty($data)) {
                $fields['data'] = $data;

            return OneSignal::sendPush($fields);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            Log::error('Send Notification Failed: ' . $e->getMessage());

@RaedElNABOULSI you just need to set param like this $fields['included_segments'] = ["Subscribed Users"] instead of include_player_ids here