Rails 6.1 `stack level too deep` if used alongside DatabaseCleaner
feliperaul opened this issue · 1 comments
Took the weekend to upgrade an app from Rails 5.2 to Rails 6.1.
On cypress/support/index.js, we have a cy.app('clean_database');
call; in clean_database.rb, we have:
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation, { except: %w(
) }
The exception we're getting is stack level too deep
; tracking this down, the exception occurs when we call results.to_json
in lib/cypress_on_rails/middleware.rb#handle_command
On rails 5.2, results was an array with 1 element, containing:
@orm_autodetector=#<DatabaseCleaner::ORMAutodetector:0x00007f8a67f1fe20 @autodetected=true>,
@tables_to_exclude=["some", "tables"]>>]]
On rails 6.1, this becomes a huge object, because DatabaseCleaner::Base#strategy contains a enormous DatabaseCleaner::ActiveRecord::Truncation
object, because of it's @connection
instance variable:
@config={:adapter=>"postgresql", :database=>"xxxx", :username=>"xxxx", :encoding=>"unicode", :pool=>25, :host=>"localhost", :port=>5432},
@connection_parameters={:user=>"xxxx", :dbname=>"xxxxx", :host=>"localhost", :port=>5432},
@listeners_for=#<Concurrent::Map:0x00007ff23a944060 entries=6 default_proc=nil>,
@delegate=#<Proc:0x00007ff240a90788 /Users/xxxx/.rbenv/versions/2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/dotenv-rails-2.7.6/lib/dotenv/rails.rb:24>,
@pattern=#<ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::Matcher:0x00007ff240a906e8 @exclusions=#<Set: {}>, @pattern=/^dotenv/>>],
Calling .to_json
on this results array results in a stack level too deep.
Is anyone else facing this, and what do the maintainers think, should we handle this on this gem or try to solve it upstream?
I obviously wasn't thinking straight when I opened this.
cypress-on-rails will try to render as json the return of the command called.
It was a simple matter of making our clean_database.rb
return true
in the last line, instead of returning the call to DatabaseCleaner.clean.
So instead of