
Readme is unclear

spartanhooah opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm trying to follow the readme, but in at least two places I don't understand the directions.
1: Step 0: "Grab and put in this directory." Grab that zip from where? What is "this directory"?
2: Step 4: "Start the newly created AVD." I don't see a new AVD in the AVD manager. I assume this new AVD isn't created by magic. Could there be some more steps provided please?

  1. This repo
  2. create the AVD from AVD manager first
  1. There is no in this repo, as far as I can tell.
  2. Are there any specific requirements of the new AVD?
slhck commented

I tried to improve the README in #42

slhck commented

The pull request is certainly valid, however it fixes only the Shell script, not the Batch file.