
Todo MVC app built using React on Rails framework

Primary LanguageRuby

Todo MVC using ReactOnRails

This is a simple Todo MVC app that is built using Shakacode's ReactOnRails Framework. The hosted version of the app can be see here


  • Ruby Version: 2.6.1p33
  • Rails Version: 5.2.2
  • React Version: 16.8.1
  • ReactOnRails Version: 11.1.4

Install and Run locally

First clone this repository by running the following command:

git clone git@github.com:shalomsam/todo-mvc-react-on-rails.git

Note: This instructions assume you have PostgreSql Databases already installed and setup for Rails. If not you might wanna install and setup PostgreSql before following the below steps.

Navigate to the app root directory:

cd todo-mvc-react-on-rails

Then install node dependencies:

yarn install


npm install

Then install gem dependencies:

bundle install

Then run DB migration to create the required tables in the PostgreSql database:

rake db:migrate

Then Build the React bundle files using the below command:


And finally to server the application locally we can run a rails server with the following command:

rails s -p 3001

-p 3001 being the port number of choice.


Shalom Sam


MIT © shalomsam