
i18n capabilities

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Why is it that hard?

  1. Check the mentioner's language (profile or account or something)
  2. Original post language (maybe some metadata, or custom detection logic from the tweet body.
  3. A custom bot parameter e.g.: @this_vid en or @this_vid_en or @this_vid lang:en or something

I do not want to fork the repository. I might open a pull request with a solution, but I need your guidance!

  1. Twitter mention API provides a user object and there is a lang field in it.
  2. The code is looking for the referenced tweet as well and twitter status lookup API provides a similar (if not the same) user object with a lang field

So as far as I see we can accomplish the i18n-ing. I can create a pull request.
Any extra info @shalvah?

Massive edit:

lang | null | Value will be set to null. Still available via GET account/settings as language

Oh what a pity!