
Allow installation of other node-webkit versions

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I noticed when I installed this that it pulls down the ZIP archive for 0.8.5. How can you set this up so I can choose what version to pull down? The latest is actually 0.9.2, which puts this one a little behind schedule....

Yep! You can install that version with npm install nodewebkit@0.9.2. Currently I consider 0.8.x of node-webkit as latest because 0.9.x is only compatible with node >= 0.11, a unstable branch of node.js. When node 0.12 is released, I'll start publishing nodewebkit@0.9.x as the latest.

Awesome! It works. As an aside, I'd suggest adding that under the example section in your README. I'd do it, but I don't wanna do a pull request just for one line of text. :)

Thanks for the help!

Added. Feel free to send a PR for any improvement. Thanks!