
Error regarding (?)

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I'm having trouble using your package on Ubuntu (13.10 and now 14.04). I created a gist ( with code and instructions to reproduce the problem.

The error says something like this (full code on the gist):

/home/caramba/code/nodewebkit/hello/node_modules/nodewebkit/nodewebkit/nw: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any ideas about what could be going on here? Anyone else having this problem in particular?

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good job on this package 👍

EDIT: added more info

node -v
node v0.10.26

which node

npm -v

which npm

You were right. Running the command mentioned in the link fixes the issue and the nodewebkit app is running fine now (even though Chrome was running fine in my computer, but I use the beta, not the release channel).

Thank you for your time, answer and great package 👍 Much appreciated!