
Expose absolute path of nodewebkit via node api

FWeinb opened this issue · 9 comments

It would be great if this project could provide an API to access the path to the downloaded/installed node-webkit. Currently I am working on node-webkit-screenshot and require the findpath.js explicitly but that feels kinda hacky.

See this line:

I can provide a PR if you want.

Sure that would be great. Could you add an ./index.js that exposes module.exports.findpath = require('./lib/findpath.js')?

This is exactly what i had in mind. But how would you publish it on npm? You are bound to the node-webkit releases?

I append -1, -2, -3, etc to the version for fixes to the installer. It's not great and will be extra weird for 0.10.0-rc1-1 but I don't know any better solution.


Fixed on 2887df7

Installing 0.10.0-rc1-1 will result in print undefined in the post install script:

> nodewebkit@0.10.0-rc1-1 postinstall /Users/FWeinb/GitHub/node-webkit-screenshot/node_modules/nodewebkit
> node scripts/install.js


It's because you appended -1 to the version and don't care about that in the install.js:


Whoops, sorry about that. Give 0.10.0-rc1-2 a try. Thanks!

Sorry, but still no luck. You forgot to add the index.js to the
files array in the package.json. So it will not get installed via npm install

Sorry! I assumed npm would automatically include it as it's the main. Published 0.10.0-rc1-3 with the fix.