This is an implementation of paper "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style". for reference.
This is the final project for Columbia University STAT GR5242 Advance Machine Learning.
Group Leader:Haiqi Li
Team Member:Yutong Zhang,Yifan Wu,Ziyan Xu
File structure
|---- input/
| |---- content/
| | |---- content.jpg
| |---- style/
| | |---- style.jpg
|---- output/
| |---- output.jpg
Command detail
To run the code, just cd into the directory and run the following code:
python --content content.jpg --style style.jpg --output output.jpg
--iter:num of iterations you want to specify.Default 400.
python --content content.jpg --style style.jpg --output output.jpg --iter 600
--record:Default False. True for record the loss of each step and plot them in output dir.
python --content content.jpg --style style.jpg --output output.jpg --record T
--flw:The weight of each feature layer in VGG structure.The exact weight is in number of it is the index of layer weight list.Default 0 to be [.25,.25,.25,.25]
python --content content.jpg --style style.jpg --output output.jpg --flw 3
--lt:loss type.Default to be sqaure loss.Another choice is absolute loss.Note the loss function is changed.
python --content content.jpg --style style.jpg --output output.jpg --lt AE
--rstep:record per step.Default 50 means record target picture every 50 steps.
python --content content.jpg --style style.jpg --output output.jpg --rstep 10
--alpha --beta:The parameter in paper of loss weight.Alpha is weight of content loss and beta is weight of style loss.
python --content content.jpg --style style.jpg --output output.jpg --alpha 10.0
--fromc:The target picture initialization method.Default False to be random initialization.True to initialize from content picture.
python --content content.jpg --style style.jpg --output output.jpg --fromc T
--cont:Continue training.Recommend not to use this.
If you really want to try this,go as the following:
1.upload the sList.dat from output to dir output
2.Specify iteration to be like
iteration=iteration you have already trained + iteration you want to go further
EX:if you have trained 400 iterations and want to continue to 600 iterations as total,then
python --content content.jpg --style style.jpg --output output.jpg --cont T --iter 600
It will train another 200 iterations.