
AutoNER 效果疑问

qichaotang opened this issue · 3 comments

对 AutoNER 有几点疑问,希望能够得到解答
请问下 AutoNER 的paper 什么时候能够放出来?
请问下 AutoNER 的效果怎么样?有相应的数据集比较图嘛?
请问下 AutoNER 的思路是什么,我目前看得是引入了 chunk 标签?具体还没看明白,求解答

We just submitted the camera-ready version of the AutoNER paper to EMNLP 2018. We will add the tables of comparison results into the README. I will also add some brief introduction in the README. Thanks for your attention!


Please check out our new README.