
mistake when construct new_w_map

CN-AlbertWu96 opened this issue · 1 comments

In, when we want to narrow down the the word mapping from pre-trained embedding file, like, this function is to add the embedding of words that appear in the documents (train & test). Since the word in documents could contain capital letters but the words in pre-trained embedding file, like only contain small letters, so the words with capital letters will be ignored. For example, in the training set, we have word "Japan" but no "japan", we cannot get the embedding of "japan" from
We should change word = line[0] to word = line[0].lower()

def filter_words(w_map, emb_array, ck_filenames):
    vocab = set()
    for filename in ck_filenames:
        for line in open(filename, 'r'):
            if not (line.isspace() or (len(line) > 10 and line[0:10] == '-DOCSTART-')):
                line = line.rstrip('\n').split()
                assert len(line) >= 3, 'wrong ck file format'
                word = line[0]
    new_w_map = {}
    new_emb_array = []
    # obtain the embedding of words appear in both wmap and vocab
    for (word, idx) in w_map.items():
        if word in vocab or word in ['<unk>', '<s>', '< >', '<\n>']:
            assert word not in new_w_map, "%s appears twice in ebd file"%word
            new_w_map[word] = len(new_emb_array)
    print('filtered %d --> %d' % (len(emb_array), len(new_emb_array)))
    return new_w_map, new_emb_array

Nice catch! better to add both word and word.lower :-) #25