
PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in ...xataface/Dataface/SkinTool.php on line 877

Opened this issue · 1 comments

PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in .../xataface/Dataface/SkinTool.php on line 877

PHP version: 7.2.2

m4745 commented

added is_array check for $stack variable and error is gone, dunno if there will be any consequences..

	function define_slot($params, $content,  &$smarty, &$repeat){
		if ( isset($content) ) {
			if ( $repeat) echo "We are repeating $params[name]";
			if ( @$this->app->_conf['debug'] ) $content = '<!-- Begin Slot '.$params['name'].' -->'.$content.'<!-- End Slot '.$params['name'].' -->';
			return $content;

		// From this point on we can assume we're in the first iteration
		$stack =& $smarty->get_template_vars('__macro_stack__');
		if (is_array($stack)){
		$local_vars =& $stack[count($stack)-1];
		foreach ( array_reverse(array_keys($stack) ) as $macroIndex) {
			$local_vars =& $stack[$macroIndex];
			if ( isset( $local_vars['__slots__'][$params['name']]) ){
				// we found a slot to display here.
				// tell smarty not to execute the inside of this
				$repeat=false;	//
				echo $local_vars['__slots__'][$params['name']];
				//display the slot and return
		if ( isset($params['table']) ) $tname = $params['table'];
		else $tname = $this->ENV['table'];

		$table =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($tname);
		$out = $table->getBlockContent($params['name']);
		if ( isset($out) ) {
			// We found a block to display here.
			$repeat = false;	// tell smarty not to execute inside of tag

			// Display the block and return
			echo $out;