
Inconsistent capitalization of input params

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Some objects require inputs where the first letter is capital and others do not. This should be consistent or a convection for capitalization vs non-capitalization should be established for input parameters.

Ex. test/tests/DrifDiffusionAction/RF_Plasma_actions.i

    electrons = em
    charged_particle = Ar+
    Neutrals = Ar*
    mean_energy = mean_en
    potential = potential
    Is_potential_unique = true
    using_offset = false
    position_units = ${dom0Scale}
    Additional_Outputs = 'ElectronTemperature Current EField'

Objects with issues

  • DriftDiffusionAction
  • PeriodicControllers
  • DensityNormalization
  • TM0CylindricalErAux
  • TM0CylindricalEzAux
  • CircuitDirchletPotential
  • DriftDiffusionDoNothingBC
  • MatchedValueLogBC
  • SakiyamaEnergySecondaryElectronBC
  • ArbitraryTiedValueConstraint
  • DriftDiffusion
  • ElectronsFromIonization
  • TM0CylindricalEr
  • TM0CylindricalEz
  • SideCurrent

Proposed Solution

Add deprecation warnings to all of the parameters that have this inconsistency and remove the inconsistent versions of input params after some time.