
Resources needed to start deep learning research. ML/DL/CV/NLP/ML-SYS/RL/Graphs/Maths/Med image lecture videos from professors at esteemed universities.

Awesome resources related to Deep learning / Computer Vision / NLP / Multimodal

Before starting, I would recommend watching these two awesome videos by Andrew Ng on general career advice. [short | long]

One should start from probability, linear algebra, optimization, then to go deep into deep learning related topics. Here are the links:

Fundamental Mathematical concepts

Mathematical topics Link Professor (Institution)
Linear Algebra Lectures Gilbert Strang (MIT)
Probability Lectures John Tsitsiklis (MIT)
MIT RES.LL-005 Mathematics of Big Data and Machine Learning Lectures Jeremy Kepner, Vijay Gadepally (MIT)
Probability for Computer Scientists Lectures Jerry Cain (Stanford University)
Probability Lectures Joe Blitzstein (Harvard)
Optimization related to deep learning Lectures Gilbert Strang (MIT)
Optimization (General) Lectures Geoff Gordon (CMU)
Convex optimization Lectures Ryan Tibshirani (CMU)
Causal Inference Lectures Brady Neal (MILA)
Probabilistic Graphic Models Lectures Kayhan Batmaghelich (Now at Boston University, lectures recorded at CMU)
Probablistic Graphical Models Lectures Daphne koller (Stanford)
Engineering Math: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Lectures Steve Brunton (University of Washington)
Engineering Math: Vector Calculus and Partial Differential Equations Lectures Steve Brunton (University of Washington)
Complex Analysis Lectures Steve Brunton (University of Washington)

Deep learning coding in pytorch fundamentals

Deep Lizard
Aladdin Persson (pytorch)
Aladdin Persson (pytorch lightning)
Pytorch autograd
Pytorch distributed training
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Object detections
Umar Jamil (architectures e.g.,transformers, diffusion)
Andrej Karpathy (building language model step by step)
PyTorch and Monai for AI Healthcare Imaging

Deep learning / Computer vision / Medical imaging / NLP courses

Professor (Institute) Course name (Link) Course id
Bhiksha Raj (CMU) Introduction to Deep Learning 11-785
Soheil Feizi (UMD) Foundations of Deep Learning CMSC 828W
Yann LeCun, Alfredo Canziani (NYU) DEEP LEARNING DS-GA 1008
Andrew Ng (Stanford) Deep Learning CS 230
Alexander Amini (MIT) Introduction to Deep Learning MIT 6.S191
Sergey Levine (UC Berkeley) Deep Learning CS W182 / 282A
Pieter Abbeel (UC Berkeley) Deep Unsupervised Learning CS294-158
Andreas Geiger (University of Tübingen) Computer vision Course link
Louis-Philippe Morency (CMU) Multimodal Machine Learning 11-777
Jake Austin, Arvind Rajaraman, Aryan Jain, Rohan Viswanathan, Ryan Alameddine, & Verona Teo (UC Berkeley) Modern Computer Vision CS 198-126
Yogesh S Rawat (UCF) Computer Vision CAP5415
Mubarak Shah (UCF) Advanced Computer Vision CAP6412
Chen Chen (UCF) Medical Image Computing CAP 5516
Justin Johnson (University of Michigan) Deep Learning for Computer Vision EECS 498.008 / 598.008
Christopher Manning (Standford) NLP with Deep Learning CS224N
Graham Neubig (CMU) Advanced NLP CMU CS 11-711
Sergey Levine (UC Berkeley) Deep Reinforcement Learning CS285
Emma Brunskill (Stanford) Reinforcement Learning CS234
Chelsea Finn (Stanford) Deep Multi-Task & Meta Learning CS330
DeepFindr - Talk series Understanding Graph Neural Networks
Nando de Freitas (University of Oxford) Deep Learning Course Link
Ali Ghodsi (University of Waterloo) Deep Learning STAT 940
Ali Ghodsi (University of Waterloo) Deep Learning STAT 946
Ali Ghodsi (University of Waterloo) Data Visualization STAT 442/842
Tianqi Chen, Zico Kolter (CMU) Deep Learning Systems 10-414/714
Steve Brunton (University of Washington) Data-Driven Dynamical Systems Course Link
Volodymyr Kuleshov (Cornell University) Deep Generative Models CS 6785

Machine learning courses

Professor (Institute) Course name (Link) Course id
Yaser Abu-Mostafa (Caltech) Machine Learning CS-156
Andrew Ng (Stanford) Machine Learning CS 229
Roni Rosenfel (CMU) Machine Learning 10601A / 10601C
Anima Anadkumar (Caltech) Foundations of Machine Learning and Statistical Inference CS 165
Von Luxburg and Hennig(University of Tübingen) Probabilistic and Statistical Machine Learning Course
Patrick Winston (MIT) Artificial Intelligence 6.034
Himabindu (Hima) Lakkaraju (Harvard) Machine Learning Explainability Workshop Exaplainable workshop at Stanford
Cynthia Rudin (Duke University) Intuition for the Algorithms of Machine Learning
Jure Leskovec (Stanford) Machine Learning with Graphs CS 224W
David Sontag (MIT) Machine Learning for Healthcare 6.S897
Manolis Kellis, James Galagan (MIT) Machine Learning in Genomics 6.047/6.878
Percy Liang, Dorsa Sadigh (Stanford) Artificial Intelligence CS 221
Nando de Freitas (UBC) Machine Learning CS 540
Nando de Freitas (UBC) Machine Learning Undergrad CS 340
Mohamed Abdelfattah (Cornell University) Machine Learning Hardware & Systems ECE 5545 (CS 5775)
Kilian Weinberger (Cornell University) Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems CS 4780/CS 5780
Steve Brunton (University of Washington) Physics Informed Machine Learning
Andreas Mueller (Columbia University) Applied Machine Learning COMS W4995
Volodymyr Kuleshov (Cornell University) Applied Machine Learning Cornell CS 5787
Chip Huyen (Stanford University) Machine Learning Systems Design CS 329S

Foundation models courses

Professor (Institute) Course name (Link) Course id
Percy Liang (Stanford) Large Language Models CS324
Div Garg (Stanford) Transformers CS25
Lei Li (CMU) Large Language Model Systems 11868
Chenyan Xiong (CMU) Large Language Models Methods and Applications 11667
Dawn Song (UC Berkeley) Understanding Large Language Models: Foundations and Safety CS194/294-267
Wenhu Chen (University of Waterloo) CS 886: Recent Advances on Foundation Models CS 886


Have anything in mind that you think is awesome and would fit in this list? Feel free to send a pull request.