
Network Dissection http://netdissect.csail.mit.edu for quantifying interpretability of deep CNNs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Network Dissection


This repository contains the demo code for the CVPR'17 paper Network Dissection: Quantifying Interpretability of Deep Visual Representations. You can use this code with naive Caffe, with matcaffe and pycaffe compiled. There are dissection results for several networks at the project page.

This code includes

  • Code to run network dissection on an arbitrary deep convolutional neural network provided as a Caffe deploy.prototxt and .caffemodel. The script rundissect.sh runs all the needed phases.

  • Code to create the merged Broden dataset from constituent datasets ADE, PASCAL, PASCAL Parts, PASCAL Context, OpenSurfaces, and DTD. The script makebroden.sh runs all the needed steps.


  • Clone the code of Network Dissection from github
    cd NetDissect
  • Download the Broden dataset (~1GB space) and the example pretrained models.

Note that you can run script/dlbroden.sh to download Broden dataset with images in all three resolution (227x227,224x224,384x384), or run script/dlzoo.sh to download more CNN models. AlexNet models work with 227x227 image input, while VGG, ResNet, GoogLeNet works with 224x224 image input.


  • Run Network Dissection to probe the conv5 layer of the AlexNet trained on Places365. Results will be saved to dissection/caffe_reference_model_places365/, in which html contains the visualization of all the units in a html page and conv5-result.csv contains the raw predicted labels for each unit. The code takes about 40 mintues to run, and it will generate about 1.5GB intermediate results (mmap) for one layer, which you could delete after the code finishes running.
    script/rundissect.sh --model caffe_reference_places365 --layers "conv5" --dataset dataset/broden1_227 --resolution 227
  • Run Network Dissection to compare three layers of AlexNet trained on ImageNet. Results will be saved to dissection/caffe_reference_model_imagenet/.
    script/rundissect.sh --model caffe_reference_imagenet --layers "conv3 conv4 conv5" --dataset dataset/broden1_227 --resolution 227
  • If you need to regenerate the Broden dataset from scratch, you can run script/makebroden.sh. The script will download the pieces and merge them.


  • After the csv file containing the raw data of the unit semantics is generated, you could use the sample scripts in plot/extract_csv.m to plot the figure. plot/semantics_cvpr_release.mat contains the semantics of all the networks analyzed in the CVPR paper. It will generate a figure showing the number of unique detectors across different networks.


If you find the codes useful, please cite this paper

  title={Network Dissection: Quantifying Interpretability of Deep Visual Representations},
  author={Bau, David and Zhou, Bolei and Khosla, Aditya and Oliva, Aude and Torralba, Antonio},
  booktitle={Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},