Pinned Repositories
HodlTogether is an Innovative Defi+NFT Project that allows users to Hodl their tokens, donate some amount to NGOs and gain rewards! Winner of Runner-up position at Chainlink Hackathon Spring 2021
A list of notable Blockchain Security audit companies.
This is a Data Visualization repository of Customer data using Sankey Chart.
This is a simple IPFS Dapp that allows minting of NFTs by simply uploading the files. And files are automatically stored on IPFS.
The following repo contains Formal Verification tools and resources for smart contracts for smart contract auditors
This is an Open Source Blockchain Project that aims to bring Hospitals, Manufacturers and Regulatory Authorities on a Single Platform to ensure Trust, Transparency and Traceability of goods and services exchanged between the parties.
This is a Simple Farmer Auction using Solidity Smart Contracts on Ethereum Blockchain.
This repo contains a comprehensive list of smart contract auditor tools and techniques that can be utilized by both smart contract auditors and blockchain developers for developing secure smart contracts
This is a spicy audit checklist of wicked attack vectors to look for during smart contract audits.
This repository contains Zk learning resources
shanzson's Repositories
This Repository Demonstrates File Encryption using AES algorithm. The Client Encrypts the File using a password and sends it to the Server. The Server then Decrypts it using the same password.
The document contains important scripts used in the project and the exported asset of game. The game has main focus on A* path tracing algorithm mostly used in games in AI. To open the game in Unity, import the unity package inside HauntedHouse Document.
This is an Advanced Storage Smart Contract tested using Truffle.
This Repository contains Python code for Prediction of Liver Disease using Machine Learning. The dataset of Liver patients has been taken from Kaggle
New Client container was successfully created and built. Make sure to use this command- docker-compose up --build
This is the pseudo code of Sawtooth Supply chain handler for people to start developing blockchains to combat Covid19 pandemic
This is a Simple Farmer Auction using Solidity Smart Contracts on Ethereum Blockchain.
This is a Hello World Solidity Smart Contract written and tested using the Truffle tool