
Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(Failed to run model, -268435449, java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException: -268435449

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Has anyone solved this yet every model I train I can't run it or deploy on the app cause of this error?

Make sure you already load the model

Make sure you already load the model

@Ucok23 i am now facing this error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot copy from a TensorFlowLite tensor (StatefulPartitionedCall:0) with shape [1, 4] to a Java object with shape [1, 4, 4].
i dont know what could be wrong

// Configuration values for the prepackaged SSD model.
private static final int TF_OD_API_INPUT_SIZE = 224;
private static final boolean TF_OD_API_IS_QUANTIZED = false;
private static final String TF_OD_API_MODEL_FILE = "mobilenet.tflite";
private static final String TF_OD_API_LABELS_FILE = "labelmap.txt";
private static final DetectorMode MODE = DetectorMode.TF_OD_API;
// Minimum detection confidence to track a detection.
private static final float MINIMUM_CONFIDENCE_TF_OD_API = 0.5f;
private static final boolean MAINTAIN_ASPECT = false;
private static final Size DESIRED_PREVIEW_SIZE = new Size(640, 480);
private static final boolean SAVE_PREVIEW_BITMAP = false;
private static final float TEXT_SIZE_DIP = 10;

Wrong input to your model

Kindly help me out my model is to take 224*224
I have tried changing input size to 224 but nothing yields

can I know what you trying to make and what kind of data you use?

i am trying to deploy this model on android which does object detection and takes in 224*224 image size and outputs one bounding box
kindly help me out if you deployed any you could try out with this model

or you can look at my detector code

Thanks in advance

so sorry i don't write jave