
Web angular js(frontend), express js (backend) with mysql database

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Web angular js as frontend, express js as backend and mysql as database This Package inclide npm backend package (express js ) and front end package(angular4)

Installation steps

  1. git clone https://github.com/Rajukumar468/angularjs-nodejs-mysql.git angularjs-nodejs-mysql
  2. cd angularjs-nodejs-mysql
  3. npm install (install expressjs dependency)
  4. cd client (go to front end directory)
  5. npm install (install angularjs(frontend) dependency)
  6. cd .. (come back to main directory "angularjs-nodejs-mysql")
  7. Change database settings- open index.js and do necessary changes
         var con=mysql.createPool({

    Note: Make sure you are using Mysql database
  8. run "DEBUG=angularjs-nodejs-mysql:* npm start" command ( backend is up and running started)
  9. open http://localhost:3000/ in browser to verify backend
  10. cd client ( go to front end direcory(angularjs))
  11. ng serve (run angular)
  12. Open in browser http://localhost:4200/ (now angular up and running)

Now your project up and running.

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