
Better way to use alias bat instead of batcat symlink for ubuntu

anand-dragon opened this issue · 2 comments

I saw your README page and the section Installation where you have for Ubuntu an idea of using symlink to ~/.local/bin rather than creating symlinks isn't it way better to just use alias. For example on my system I have Zsh so I just did alias bat="batcat" and that was it. IMO it seems a better and fuzz-free idea.

I read your contributing documentation but was't sure how the README updates would work out so created a new issue.

Since this is my first open source contribution, some guidelines to push my changes to remote would be appreciated.


Readme updates work the same way as any other changes 🙂 just there is no need to test locally as tests shouldn't be affected 😉 and as mentioned in the contributing guide, no need to add a changelog. (You likely will see that the changelog CI step failed but that is expected and fine.)
You would fork the repository, clone it locally, create a branch in your fork, make your changes and commit them, and push them to your remote. Then in this repo on GitHub's website, where we are now, create a Pull Request, click compare across forks, with sharkdp/bat as the base and choose your fork's branch as the head.