Unknown style, '-snip'
varac opened this issue · 1 comments
varac commented
What steps will reproduce the bug?
Follow the README.md#output-style doc, and use the recommended
bat --style=full,-snip README.md
What happens?
$ bat --style=full,-snip README.md
error: invalid value 'full,-snip' for '--style <components>': Unknown style, '-snip'
For more information, try '--help'.
What did you expect to happen instead?
I would expect the documented command to succeed.
How did you install bat
sudo pacman -S bat
bat version and environment
Software version
bat 0.24.0 (fc95468)
Operating system
Linux 6.11.0-6-MANJARO
bat --diagnostic
Environment variables
LESS=<not set>
LC_ALL=<not set>
BAT_PAGER=<not set>
BAT_PAGING=<not set>
BAT_CACHE_PATH=<not set>
BAT_OPTS=<not set>
BAT_STYLE=<not set>
BAT_TABS=<not set>
BAT_THEME=<not set>
XDG_CACHE_HOME=<not set>
NO_COLOR=<not set>
MANPAGER=<not set>
System Config file
Could not read contents of '/etc/bat/config': No such file or directory (os error 2).
Config file
# https://github.com/sharkdp/bat
# Uncomment the following line to disable automatic paging:
Custom assets metadata
Could not read contents of '/home/varac/.cache/bat/metadata.yaml': No such file or directory (os error 2).
Custom assets
'/home/varac/.cache/bat' not found
Compile time information
- Profile: release
- Target triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- Family: unix
- OS: linux
- Architecture: x86_64
- Pointer width: 64
- Endian: little
- CPU features: fxsr,sse,sse2
- Host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Less version
> nvimpager --version
/usr/sbin/nvimpager: illegal option -- -
Usage: nvimpager [-acp] [--] [nvim options and files]
nvimpager -h
nvimpager -v
Command failed with exit code 2.
einfachIrgendwer0815 commented