
Auto syntax detector for bashrc, bash_profile, ... file formats

Opened this issue · 1 comments

bat can automatically highlight .bashrc and .bash_profile, etc; but it doesn't include files like xyz.bashrc or something.bash_profile.

In archlinux files /etc/bash.bash_bashrc and /etc/bash.bash_bash_logout are not automatically hightlighted. Of course the issue can be solved by adding -l <syntax> but that's such a pain.


Thanks for reporting. I can confirm that I see the same behavior. I consider this to be a bug because I would expect it to work. I have a feeling that it is due to the unnecessary dots here:

As we can't really update this sublime-syntax at the moment (see trishume/syntect#323 and trishume/syntect#271 - and if we did we would likely run into #2227), it may be easier to add mappings to

In the meantime, you can map it in your configuration file so that you don't need to specify -l on every invocation: