
Better explanation/name for stackEqual

sharkdp opened this issue · 5 comments

See comments here:

Could also be introduced by an introductory level, see #18.

I was confused for a long while. It helped me to think "stack columns that are equal and adjacent". The other functions are all block based.

Really cool game, original mechanic.

Zachtronics (Spacechem) would love this.

You could show a verbal description in a tooltip

<li id="stackEqual" title="stack columns that are equal and adjacent">stackEqual</li>

I was confused for a long while. It helped me to think "stack columns that are equal and adjacent". The other functions are all block based.

Several others have also mentioned this. I should clearly explain it somewhere in an introductory level. Please note that the other functions in the "1.x" levels are of the form map f, where f is some function that operates on a single stack. The map part indicates that these functions will be run for each stack. stackEqual, however, operates on a higher dimension (If you think of the matrices/walls of cubes in the game as two dimensional arrays).

You could show a verbal description in a tooltip

  • stackEqual
  • Great idea! 👍
    I also like your description.

    Really cool game, original mechanic.


    Closed this for now, stackEqualColumns will be better explained in the introductory levels (see #18)